Terms & Conditions
Our Terms & Conditions are as follows:
- This website is operated by Seeconnell Saddlery Workshop, the terms “the business”, “we”, “us” and “Seeconnell Saddlery”, refer to Seeconnell Saddlery Workshop.
- Please read these terms carefully other wise we will deem that they have been accepted and you fully agree to comply with our terms of service
- All items are to be paid in full on collection or prior to delivery.
- Rugs will not be delivered until paid in full
- We reserve the right to change our prices at any time due to material and fuel costs changing
- Any rugs we receive we will wash, reproof, repair and/or supply items in accordance with customer or persons instructions and in accordance with the items manufacturers recommended laundry instructions
- We will only repair and reproof rugs that have been washed on our premises
- You agree that by accessing the Services, you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all of these Terms & conditions.